Admission fee at regular rate : 320 €
Admission fee at reduced rate (for participants also attending EAAP/WAAP congress and/or French members of AFZ (https://www.zootechnie.fr/adherer.html): 160 €
Admission fee for students (MSc. or PhD): 50 €
Fees applicable up to 31st July 2023. All rates will be added VAT (10%).
The wokshop will take place at ISARA LYON
Agrapole, 23 rue Jean Baldassini
69367 LYON CEDEX 07
Tél. +33(0)4 27 85 85 85
It is necessary to register to attend this workshop as a participant, or as an author.
Registration can be done by logging to https://oecdfoodandfeed.sciencesconf.org/registration and then, following instructions.
STEP 1: account creation
After the first step of logging is done you will receive an email for your account creation and an activation link.
STEP 2: registration form
After clicking on the activation link you can go to "my registration" and fill the form, including your category of participant with your participation fee. Three (3) rates are available for participants :
Once you are finished, you will be asked to review (if information is missing) and an overview of your profile will be displayed (you can still make changes at this stage). You can then submit you registration request. You will receive an email from the organization team, confirming that your registration request has been received.
STEP 3: request of payment
You will receive an additional email requiring payment: just go to My registration and chose the category of payment thats is corresponding to your registration. If you want to pay online by credit card or Paypal, click on the button "Pay online". You will be driven to the payment page (on the French association of animal production website) and follow the steps. If you want to pay by check (for French only), by bank transfer or by purchase order, click on the corresponding button on your registration page.
Once you have paid, you will receive an email confirming your payment. If you have a special rate (half rate or student rate) do not forget to bring your documents on the 1st of September.
In parallel with the plenary presentations, two poster sessions will be held during lunch-time and at the end of the plenary.
Authors are kindly invited to submit abstracts (related to the posters) to be published in the proceedings of this workshop which will be freely accessible.
All authors wishing to present abstracts at the workshop are asked to register and submit the title and abstract of their presentations using the online application for abstract submission: https://oecdfoodandfeed.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit
Presentations will be accepted as posters only. The deadline for abstract submission is July 30th 2023. Only abstracts submitted using the online application will be considered for publication. Please read the instructions very carefully.
Abstracts must not exceed 2,500 key strokes, including title, authors and addresses, and including spaces and punctuation. The title of your abstract can take up to 100 key strokes, including spaces. Do not add tables, figures, headings and or keywords in your abstract. Please make sure that you identify the presenting author very carefully by indicating his/her mail address. Be aware that if this presenting author does not register (pay) on time (before June 15th, 2023), his/her contribution will be removed from the poster session and from the proceedings.
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